Channel: Paul's Tips
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It's okay to be afraid

We all get scared sometimes. It's just part of us to feel a little fear from time to time. Even silly things that we feel adults shouldn't be afraid of sometimes just get us all anxious. This is...

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Face some moments of truth

What leads us to want to improve ourselves? Where is it that we can even find out how such an improvement can occur? The answer, generally is in moments of truth.

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No answer is better than any old answer

There are three little words that most people, particularly men, find it very difficult to utter. They are: "I don't know". For any question people can come up with, you'll see a bunch of answers being...

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Most worthwhile things in life turn out to be harder than you expect

What is it that gets people down? All sorts of things, of course. It may be a chemical imbalance in the brain, a family tragedy, or an accident. But most of the time, the reason for ongoing...

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Life is conflict

The Lord of the Flies by William Golding is a fascinating novel. It tells the story of a group of school boys who get trapped together on a desert island. At first, everything is fine and they come up...

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Don't let your problems be because of laziness

We all have problems. Something is missing from each of our lives. And that may be driving you a little bit crazy. Perhaps you have difficulty finding love. Perhaps your financial situation isn't so...

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Make the unknown known

What prevents us from doing what we know we should? What is the root cause of procrastination? Why is it that even when we can clearly see what needs to be done, still we're paralysed? These are...

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Make good attributes part of your identity

We all have a picture of who we are inside our heads. Sure, you might be an accountant who lives in Miami, but it extends much further than this.

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Many people will do the minimum they can to get by

Have you ever noticed how many people operate at way below their potential? The genius who works an average office job, the fantastic woman who dates losers, the talented artist who spends all day in...

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Much of success is about knowing how to anticipate problems

When I was in my teens, my friends and I were addicted to arcade games. This is a pretty typical obsession with boys. I spent lots of my pocket-money on such games and even managed to win some of them.

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Understand some of the roots of poor motivation

I was in a gym class today lifting barbells, when I looked around. You could see everyone was having a hard time of it. I attend that same class regularly, and it's common to get people who turn up a...

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How your identity can hold you back

We all have this picture inside our heads of who we are. And let's face it, for most of us, we're probably a little bit more generous than reality warrants. Who doesn't secretly believe that they may...

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Give away lots of little gifts

It amazes me how many people don't pay attention to developing their relationships. Other people are extremely useful in life. Indeed, for me, I think they are probably my favourite thing in the whole...

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The world's best investment

Many people don't think of it consciously, but much of our lives are spent deciding how to invest our resources. Families decide whether to move into a bigger house, or save their money and stay in the...

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Operate in the real world

I grew up in a somewhat academic family. Many of my parent's friend are academics, and I've spent a lot of time socialising with such people. My own career has been mostly in the business world. What...

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Don't fall into the habit of finding excuses not to take action

Sometimes it's good not to take action. It's just not called for under some circumstances and can actually make things worse. I've written about this before.

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Assertiveness is about balance

We've all met people who have a problem understanding assertiveness. Often, they're people who've spent much of their lives being walked over. One day, they get sick of putting up with this behaviour...

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Bring on the bad news

A common problem for people who are unsuccessful is that they slavishly avoid bad news. If such news has to be received, they prefer to put it off as long as possible. Often, they prefer to dodge it...

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Learn how to give up one pleasurable thing for another

We humans are funny creatures. We seem to be part animal on one side, and part angel on the other. When I go to the zoo and I observe the creatures there, I'm often struck by how similar their...

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Work hard to give yourself lots of options and opportunities

Always finish what you start, is an adage that many people try to follow. And it's a good one in a lot of ways. But it probably focusses too much on the importance of the entire process towards...

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Always be looking for new ways to enrich your life

One problem I notice a lot is people stomping over the same ground all the time. They find a few things they like, or that reward them, then they just keep trying to wring out every last drop of juice...

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Take the initiative in establishing new relationships

The world is filled with people who are dissatisfied with the state of their relationships. They think they haven't got enough others in their lives, or else they believe the others they have aren't up...

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Remember to live a bit sometimes

We all have things in our life we wish we could change and improve. Maybe you don’t have enough money. Maybe you need to lose some weight. Maybe you need to put some effort into improving your...

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How you recover from a crisis is what defines you

One thing that’s certain in life is that you’re occasionally going to be hit by a big unexpected shock. Perhaps you will have a health problem, the death of a loved one or a financial loss.

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Most worthwhile things involve difficult decisions

One of the problems with the modern attitude to living is people’s tendency to avoid making difficult decisions. Many of us are reluctant to commit to anything, and so we drift through life achieving...

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Become excellent at creating new opportunities

The scouts have an excellent motto. It says simply “Be prepared”. Whether or not you have ever been a scout or a guide, this is a good attitude to have towards life.

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The most basic principle of personal finance

There are thousands of books and millions of articles written on the subject of money. How to get rich is a popular topic, and everyone has an opinion on it.

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Don’t forget to keep your body happy

One of the problems with modern society is that many of us can completely ignore important needs of our bodies. The obsession with electronic entertainment means most of us are focused on feeding our...

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If investments become cheaper, and you’re a buyer, that’s a good thing

In the last few years, stock markets around the world have been hammered. Currencies have also fallen to historic lows. People see their portfolios down and are running scared.

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Emotions are like muscles, you need to work them out

It’s amazing how much of our lives are controlled by our emotions. In fact, it could be said that pretty much everything we do is in pursuit of some sort of emotional comfort. If you’re hungry, lonely...

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